By Shelley Costello
Practising yoga asanas, or the physical practice of yoga brings many benefits to mind, body and spirit. Yoga means union and through the breath connects the mind, body and spirit. With regular practice, yoga becomes a moving meditation with the focus remaining throughout on the breath. It is the breath which makes yoga unique and more than just a physical exercise.
Breath is what enables prana, the life force which pervades all living things to enter our body. Practising yoga therefore increases our pranic energy. Each movement is initiated by either an inhalation or exhalation and the movement flows with the breath. Breath and movement work together effortlessly to create a yoga practice.
For most, breathing is an automatic function which we give little thought to unless our breathing alters in some way; when we experience shortness of breath perhaps. Without breath there is no life and yoga teaches us to focus on our breath and to harness the power of our breath enabling us to reap the benefits. In practising yoga we are able to experience a greater sense of self as well as rewarding our body and mind by restoring balance and wellbeing.
Yoga works on many levels.
Our planet is made up of energy and at the level of quantum physics we are nothing more than a ball of energy. Throughout our body there are subtle energy channels known as nadis. The three main energy channels in the body are known as sushumna, the central channel, ida, the left channel and pingala, the right channel. Sushumna runs the length of the spine from the sacrum right up to the crown of the head. The ida and pingala nadis cross over the sushumna and the points of their convergence create energy centres known as chakras.
On a subtle level, prana flows through these nadis. The energy channels and centres are affected by the physical body and mind and vice versa. When we experience a physical or emotional disorder the channels and centres become blocked. The practise of yoga works to cleanse and detox the physical body mind and by increasing the flow of prana throughout the body, clear the blockages and restore the flow of pranic energy. This in turn restores homeostasis or optimum functioning to the physical body and mind. Yoga therefore restores our natural emotional and physical balance.
A person who is often unwell physically and/or emotionally is said to have more prana outside the body and in contrast, a person who experiences physical and emotional wellbeing and is healthy both inside and out, is said to have more prana inside the body. Yoga practice and breathing techniques known as pranayama work to not only increase the flow of prana into the body but also to keep that prana flowing around inside the body. In addition, engaging energy locks known as bandhas during a yoga practice work to eliminate the toxins from the body and keep the pranic energy inside the body.
Over time as yoga practice evolves and as an awareness of self grows it becomes easier to tune in to our own energy, restoring balance and wellness from within. When we feel well from the inside our outer world inevitably follows and our life becomes healthier and much happier, more fulfilled.
On a physical level our bodies require oxygen to function properly. Full deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to our bodies, providing nourishment and nutrients to our blood, nerves, glands and vital organs. In addition, oxygen is responsible for burning up waste matter and eliminating toxins from the body. By practising yoga and the breathing techniques used in yoga, we are increasing the supply of oxygen throughout the body, cleansing, energising, nourishing, detoxing and purifying the body. All bodily systems are strengthened and thus creating an enhanced immunity and overall greater wellbeing. Yoga works to energise, restore, refresh, revitalise, relax and rejuvenate the body.
Yoga increases flexibility throughout the body and is gentle on the joints compared to some high impact sports. Yoga actually increases lubrication of the joints.
Muscular endurance is enhanced throughout the body and muscles become more toned, and excess weight lost.
Many yoga asanas massage the vital organs of the body. This works in many ways; providing increased energy and actually contributes to delaying the ageing process, keeping us youthful with increased vitality.
Yoga brings about many changes emotionally. Just the act of feeling a greater sense of wellbeing physically works towards improving our self esteem and confidence. Increased energy levels enable us to do more in our personal and professional lives and we find that happiness comes naturally to the practising yogi. As all our bodily systems are strengthened these too impact on our mind and emotional wellbeing. Stresses, strains and anxiety are greatly reduced. Yoga lifts depression and can help other emotional disorders. A heightened awareness of self enables one to feel in control. Ultimately, the mind influences the body and when our mind is balanced we will find so too is our body.
These are just a few of the many benefits yoga brings. Practising asanas, the physical aspect of yoga inevitably leads one to other branches of yoga and becomes a life long journey of self awareness; finding one's true self, one's dharma or purpose in life and along the way becoming happier, healthier and more fulfilled.
Namasté Shelley
Shelley Costello is a Wellness Coach, incorporating Yoga, Life Coaching, Indian Head Massage, Relaxation, Meditation and Ayurveda.
The essence is of helping others to help themselves become healthier, happier and live a more fulfilled life.
Shelley is a qualified Yoga Teacher, Life Coach and Indian Head massuese. In addition, over the past two years she has studied Buddhism, meditation, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, quantum physics related to the natural laws of the universe and conscious creation techniques.
She has extensive internet marketing experience and works part time as a freelance marketing consultant. She has 15 years business management experience and is currently studying courses related to wellness with the Open University, England.
For more information please contact Shelley by email at or visit her website
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