By Heather Greaves
"People get ready, there's a new age coming, you don't need no baggage you just get on board."
What 3 mistakes prevent us from dropping mind baggage and moving forward to a new age easily and with courage? How can a daily practice of yoga exercise and meditation bring courage?
Mistake #1 - Pointing Fingers - Whenever you are uncomfortable, unhappy or upset you point fingers and blame other people. Consider this. If someone else is responsible for the way you feel, then isn't it up to that person to take those feelings away? You are actually carrying those folks with you. Whenever you blame someone for your troubles, your troubles instantly become heavier than they actually are.
Solution: Take personal responsibility for your response to what is happening. Make the decision to take responsibility. "I take full responsibility for my response to this situation." Yoga Exercise: Breathe deeply for as long as it takes to come to accept this thought. Assume correct posture to increase breathing capacity as well as gain a courageous feeling. Start a daily meditation practice of at least 3 minutes of breath awareness.
Mistake #2 - Constantly Making Comparisons - You keep comparing yourself to other people and feel you are less than others. You don't know your own strengths, or you forget to recall them. Instead you keep focusing on your weaknesses. Or on the other hand, you feel you are better than others. You keep seeing others weaknesses, as you take pride in your strengths. You create so many extra thoughts. Baggage!
Solution: Consider that each individual has a special place in the universe, a unique part to play, and gifts and talents to play the part. Yoga Exercise: Practice 3 fundamental principles of yoga (self discipline, self-study, and surrender to the divine) to see reality. Be firm about your daily meditation practice, and journal on your experience, and/or read an inspirational book.
Mistake #3 - Thinking Your Thoughts Are Okay - You think that because no-one can know your thoughts, it is okay to think whatever you want. You think your criticisms, finding fault, and other judgements affect no-one, and therefore it is alright to secretly entertain these thoughts. Through the senses the mind gives a running commentary and is bombarded with thoughts constantly. More baggage!
Solution: Put a full stop to your thoughts, and practicing calming the mind. Yoga Exercise: A daily meditation practice that controls all senses.
And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free instant access to a special daily meditation practice for a courageous spirit when you visit You can practice this meditation right into the new age.
Please share your thoughts on these mistakes. I'd like to know. Thanks.
From Heather Greaves - the Self Care Expert and Body Therapies Yoga Training
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