By Meera Patricia Kerr
Have you ever noticed when you're nervous about something, your breath almost comes to a stop? Just when you need that beautiful oxygen the most, you give yourself the least. Yoga deep breathing can help you get more conscious of this habit, and help you relieve stress in the process
A technique called Deegha Swaasam, or the simple three part breath, can renew your oxygen levels, and at the same time, fill up your pranic bank account. Prana is the life force in the body.
We get it from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. Although the word "prana" comes from the ancient Sanskrit, it is also known as "chi" in the far east, "ki" in Hawaii, and of course, Yoda called it "the force"! There are many ways to lose this prana, through worry, frustration, anger, and anxiety, but fortunately, this breathing technique can help calm you down, and fill you up with energy.
To begin, breathe into the belly, allowing it to expand. Don't lift your shoulders or suck in your stomach on the inhale. This is one time you can let it all hang out. Then begin to let the air out, and at the end of the exhale, draw your belly in toward the spine just a little. Automatically, the breath will want to rush in again. Do a few repetitions of this belly breath, then increase the breath to fill up the rib cage area. First the belly expands, then the rib cage. Exhale from the rib cage, then the belly. After a few rounds of this two part breath, try filling the lungs up all the way, bottom to top. When the lungs are fully expanded, the collar bones will rise slightly. Relax the shoulders down, and begin to exhale from the top of the lungs, down through the rib cage area, and finally empty the belly of air. You're now doing the full three part breath. Continue for a few minutes. If you start to get dizzy, stop and try again later. When you've done several rounds of Deergha Swaasam, bring the breath back to normal and sit quietly and experience what just happened to your energy levels. I think you'll enjoy the results.
Meera Patricia Kerr, B.A., R.Y.T., is founder of Big Yoga Media, a company devoted to bringing the health-affirming practices of classical yoga to those who may not have tried yoga because of their weight, age, lack of flexibility or injuries. Her original DVD, Big Yoga Hatha One, was described as "envigorating and restorative" by Dr. Dean Ornish, author of several books on using yoga to combat heart disease, and a best seller, "Eat More, Weigh Less". Meera is currently working on a series of new DVDs, including "Flex-Ability". The Big Yoga book is scheduled for publication in April 2009 with Square One Publishers. She is also an accomplished musician, having recorded original songs for RCA, and for TV and film.
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