By Gaylene Slater
You are tense, nervous, worried, and unable even to relax in bed, but you are not alone. When you get all tied up in knots, you can feel like you're losing your mind. And you use lessening tablets, energy tablets, tranquillizers, something to push you, and then you're surprised at the consequential horrible side effects.
Could Yoga be the answer?
Clearly, without question, it can do that.
Neither Yoga allows drugs nor does your body, therefore if we are fed up of conventional medication to relax your fatigued body and mind, why not attempt Yoga? Yoga is proven to be effective when medicine no longer works. Breathing properly is relaxing and good for the mind as well as the body. Your thoughts mirror your breathing style, and as such, your mind will be affected if your breathing is off balance.
Through your daily experiences, you can confirm this to be true. When you are watching television, absorbed in a book, or listening to an interesting talk on your radio. Your breathing slows. Your breathing will become irregular when you are mad, upset, or sad. If you are scared you breathe and seize your breath, and if you are uninterested you yawn.
All the exercises formulated by the Yogis of ancient times that have a connection with the respiratory tract are based on a close observation of the body's natural impulses. Most people neglect this bodily function so much that they barely inhale enough oxygen to maintain living. To clear your mind of worries learn to breathe correctly since mind and breathe are intertwined.
Your breathing is slow and steady when you are relaxed so if you learn to control your breathing, you can help your mind reach that state of restfulness. If you are breathing in a calm and controlled manner,you can't be worried and upset,and if your breath is coming out in hurried jerks you can't remain calm.
Starting off strong, this is the first thing.
Try the Yoga COMPLETE BREATH where you will use the lower,middle and upper lung. To be a successful at the COMPLETE BREATH in yoga, your breathing needs to use three body areas-diaphragmatic, inter costa, and clavicular in one quick inhalation. You should take it easy if you are a beginner.
Lie flat on a solid surface like the floor, without pillows, and rest your hands over your diaphragm. When you are practicing yoga always remember to wear loose clothing, and females need to loosen their bras.
The technique " Complete Breath Slowly" involves exhaling as much air as possible from your lungs. As you inhale air through your mouth, do so very, very slowly so that you breathe the air in evenly without any unexpected bursts. If your hands are positioned evenly above your diaphragm you will locate that this is the primary part to spread out.
You will feel a very slight retraction of your lower abdomen as your inhalation progresses. When you are taking a breath in you will notice your shoulders rise, and your lungs expand. Use little exertion and breathe through your mouth slowly. Expel as much air as possible by contracting your abdomen each time you breathe out. Once you finish your first Complete Breath, stay quiet for a several moments. Do not try to sit upright for a bit of time or you can feel minor faintness or wooziness because of hyperventilation produced by an unexpected, too much, and unfamiliar inhale of oxygen.
If you get dizzy from the breathing, relax, it just means you needed to do it and it will pass.
When beginning this exercise work carefully at first and with a little practice you will soon be able to do it without pain or difficulty.
Once you reach this phase, you can do this exercises sitting straight with your hands placed in your lap and your head level or you can stand straight up placing your hands by your sides.
Remember, you should always do your breathing techniques with a window that is open, or outside.
For the first few days, take no more than two Yoga Complete Breaths a day, but then, you can increase the number gradually, ad lib, to to to sixty full breaths per day. This should be a slow process and you should not attempt the full quota of sixty a day straight away. At first, be content to take just a few at a time.
Hi I am Gaylene Slater, the author of Living The Good Life in Love, Life and Family. With many stressful tension related situations through out running your own business and having a family, I find these simple yoga based solutions ideal. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do and make every effort to put these simple actions into practice. They are very simple, need next to no apparatus and are very affective. I have written a book on Balancing Love Life and family and deal with a lot of every day challenges and some simple solutions, check me out here.
And also my blog here
Hope you enjoy this easy to follow guide written in a story.
Lots of loveGaylene Slater
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