By Dr. John Anne
Be certain to wear the proper clothing. Clothes should be loose so that you can do any movement properly.
Keep yourself warm while performing the corpse pose.
Have the suitable space for your yoga practice. The perfect setting should be well ventilated, have natural light and be free from disturbance and interruptions.. Practice on a carpet or a mat sufficient for you to stretch out on.
Have a central point, such as a painting you especially enjoy or a pretty plant, for balancing exercises that require a fixed look.
It is usually suggested that yoga be performed on an empty stomach, prior to a full meal or at least an hour or two after eating.
Evade stimulating poses during the evening. This comprises the sun salutation, the standing poses and backward bending poses.
Pay thought to feelings of pain. Yoga is not about competitiveness. Move through the asanas (poses) at your own pace. Never force or pull your body into any position that feels painful.
Pushing yourself into a uncomfortable position is risking injury. To avoid pain, and in fact use yoga to decrease any pain issues you may already have, see our section on yoga therapy.
Pain is a indication that needs to be analyzed and understood. It may signify your body needs work in a particular area, but also that you need to carry on with caution. With yoga the benefits develop over time. Remember that muscles that have been restricted in movement or atrophied from under use over a period of years are not going to be transformed over night.
To practice the asanas (poses) does not require any special diet, but if you find out you enjoy yoga, you may find it appealing to read up on the traditional yogi diet.
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