By Dr Rajesh Nair
Ayurveda defines Health as Purity of body, mind and soul, which has become so dark because of negative thoughts and actions and it is here Yoga that comes in handy to treat this state of mankind. With its regular practice one is able to eradicate all the impurities both in mind and body and regulate the self towards GOD.
According to the ancient hindu philosophy, Yoga is the union of body and mind which helps one to attain oneness with the "Supreme Being", the ultimate aim of our birth.
Regular yogic practice helps to acquire a balanced body and mind which naturally trains him to be in present moment and with a minimum input of energy/time, he can achieve a maximum output of work. Is it not a greater benefit in this fast pace world where one lacks time.
Yoga is a combination of asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and dhyana (meditation). Its benefits can be cited as below :
At Physical Level -
** Provides strength and flexibility, body awareness and energy level increases, heals the injuries very quickly, helps to fight the pain caused by various ailments, immunity increases, blood circulation to brain, digestive system and skin is increased, skin glows, aids in the overall efficient functioning of the internal organs. Gives relief from the muscular pain , open constricted air passages, aging process is delayed, toxins in the body are flushed out.
It is also highly therapeutic ie.. it treats various ailments like digestive disorders, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, skin problem, nervous tension etc, thyroid function is improved hence the weight is controlled, knee cartilage is made strong, it helps to fight pain of arthritis and rheumatism, leg muscles are toned up, flexibility of spine is increased, also controls autonomic or involuntary functions, such as temperature, heartbeat and blood pressure
At Mental Level -
Helps one to let go of emotional blockages and negativity hence - helps to lead a relaxed state of living, helps one to face the stressed situation more enthusiastically, provides strength to fight depression, frustration and anxiety, you feel that you are in control of your own self, you are able to look life always on its positive side, you will have an internal harmony and a great sense of balance,
Also concentration increases, provides courage and a hopefulness, creates a consistent sense of well being, brings harmony in relationship, deals with mood swings, intellect develops, regulates all the senses, will power increases, increases mental clarity, gives a peace of mind.
At Spiritual Level -
It helps one to realize that you are more than this body and mind and helps in awakening the divinity, it also enhance the movements of energy through ajna (the centre of intuition). helps the soul to flourish and helps to understand his true nature.
It also softens the rough edges in our character and dissolves the solid crust of your heart region which is important in our ultimate journey towards the ultimate God.
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