Friday, November 30, 2007

Free Pilates Exercises Videos For All Ages
By Clyde Hart

Pilates is the growing exercises that have become a fad during the 21st century. Ever since the 1970s and the aerobic phase that was moved by Jane Fonda, Pilates is running into the same direction. However, the brand and most notable name in pilates is Scott Pilates and Windsor Pilates who "invented" the sporting activity. Right now you see the many info-commercials such as As Seen On TV which advertise all types of pilate dvds and workout activities. Honestly, my opinion of doing pilates the right way is to buy the following equipment:

Necessary Pilates Equipment

1. Yoga or Pilates Mat
2. Big Pilates or yoga exercise ball (fit to your size)
3. Comfortable clothing

The list is not long at all. The prices of those materials together would not cost you more than $50. There is no particular or concrete instructional manual to do pilates 100% correct. You make variations of basic pilate exercises to fit your needs. With the big rush of online video such as Youtube, Google Video, VeohTV and Metacafe this exercise videos come free if you have an online connection at home or work. It would work especially well if you could download each pilates video and make a home dvd collection of pilates exercises.

If you have an imagination you do not have to cough out $19.99 - $49.99 for a Winsor Pilates DVD at all. Make variations of each basic exercise and you will have a firm body and peace of mind. Pilates could be compared to Yoga but yet they are totally different sports/exercises. Each one requires patience, desire exercise and practically the same material. All in all, I recommend pilates for any athlete; all fitness buffs; and anyone who loves to have fun while exercising. Using the exercise ball and pilates is extremely fun and you can hardly tell that it works the entire body.

The types of exercises that you can do are: abs, back exercises, lunges, back squats, obloquies and more. Just about any type of position, you could probably use the big yoga ball and exercise mat. Good luck with your exercises and remember exercising is not enough but eating right and nutritional is key.

Clyde Hart is a avid fitness buff and past fitness instructor in Washington, DC. He prides himself on teaching and showing everyone the positive sides of pilates exercising. Free Pilates Videos and more are waiting at

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