By Dustin Bartholomay
Yoga and stress are two opposite sides of life. A little stress is necessary to function and too much is be exhausting. On the other side a yoga practitioner sleeps less and has more energy.
How is this possible? Yoga is concerned with relaxing the nervous system. One of the originators of yoga stated, "Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind". When stress is happens the mind hammers a thought over and over. Yoga allows us to become aware of our own inner functions. In this way change happens from deep within our selves.
Here are four ways yoga helps manage stress.
1. One of the first things yoga says is to come back to your body and get out of your head. This by its self is enough to come out of stress. How a mind reacts to its surroundings determines how much stress the body takes on. By redirecting our attention to the body we avoid focusing on the things that are making us stressed out. To practice this start feeling any part of your body. Don't worry if it's not what you want it to feel like. At first it might be hard to redirect your attention towards your body sensations. This is resistance is partial habit and the stress it self. If you drift back into thoughts just recognize your thoughts and move your attention back to the body.
2. Watch your breath when you are stressed do you hold it? When we get stressed out it's because we are hung up. This hung up transfers into the body as holding the breath. Yoga helps us to be aware of our breathing pattern. There are many yoga poses that stretch the breathing muscles that have become perpetually locked.
3. Yoga helps us find balance in or body and mind. Being stressed out is a imbalance of the direction our mind moves. Yoga draws or attention to the other parts of our selves that balance out stress. When we are stressed every thing else falls away and only the stress is in our stream of awareness. With time yoga can broaden our experience. With a broad view on things we can bring equanimity into day-to-day experience.
4. If you want to deal with your stress then spend time with your self not being stressed out. A daily yoga practice is a perfect chance to spend some alone time with your self. Use your practice time to pay attention to the subtler feelings that are arises from with. This way every day you get a mini vacation. Use your practice to spend time with your self with out all of the pressures of life.
It's ok to be stressed out. Just remember don't sacrifice your health other it. There is nothing on this planet that is that serious. Are you being serious all the time? This is no fun; your inner child is probably suffering because of it. So laugh, dance and free your mind.
Dustin B. was born and raised in Mount Shasta CA. He has practiced yoga for over seven years and is a certified Ashtanga Yoga teacher.
For more information on yoga practices Click Here
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