Saturday, October 27, 2007

Yoga for Fitness
By Daniel Walch

Hatha Yoga is the physical expression of Yoga discipline. There are other forms which focus on breathwork, meditation and other disciplines, but for our discussion we will focus on Hatha Yoga. As you may have noticed, there are many forms of hatha Yoga. For the newcomer, the sheer number of types of yoga training may be a bit confusing. There is Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Power Yoga and many others.

If you are feeling a little intimidated, don't be. Yoga was meant to be enjoyed by everyone.

Usually a community recreation center or local studio will offer discount beginner classes in Ashtanga Yoga, which is a very mild form. You will learn the basics, including proper form, basic poses, meditation and relaxation. Ashtanga is popular, but it is not challenging. Once you have developed your regular practice, you will want to advance to other forms of Yoga.

Two very popular forms of Yoga are Bikram and Power Yoga. Both of these forms are taught widely and are considered challenging forms. Becoming adept at these forms will bring more flexibility and muscle tone, as well as strength and focus. Remember that any form of Yoga is good for the body, aiding in circulation and digestion. However, remember to stay alert during your foray into the field of Yoga. Many people you meet will be very flexible and advanced in their practice and may encourage you to do things your body isn't quite ready to do.

Take things slowly. Start with a beginners class and do not advance to more challenging forms until your body is ready for the change. Like most things, Yoga is a practice that evolves with you and it will become a very enjoyable part of your life. The health and strength benefits will amaze you as your body becomes more efficient and attractive.

Daniel Walch publishes articles on business and psychology. See his blog at

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